Friday, November 5, 2010

What Is Justice #OscarGrantTrial

We live in a society that seems to show more and more contempt for Black life. They taunt us with trials that give way to smug statements. Statements like "We held a trial and the facts of the case were deliberated. What more do you people want?"

We want a Full and Complete Freedom and Equal Justice under the law. We want Justice applied equally to all regardless of creed or class or color. It seems that the law sees that dogs made to fight have a higher value then a Black Man(Child Of Slaves) on any street in the wilderness of North America. As a father and grandfather I'm angry and hurt.

What Is Justice? The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his book Fall Of America, said this of Justice "I am here to tell you that justice is the eventual working out of the will of God as indicated in the fundamental principles of truth." The Slavemasters Children have not truth in them, but that is for another day.

Today we fast and pray, God, in his good time will remove Us from this terrible condition as He did for the people of Moses.

Peace - Power Equality Allah C Everything!

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