Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Web-A-Thon Success

What a night that was had by the Nation of Islam. From the spirit that was shown by the believing men and women from all over the world. To the way technology was used by our nation.

What did we learn last night? Well, we have two study groups that are ministered to by members of the Mighty MGT & GCC. Showing and proving beyond a shadow of doubt that Islam as taught by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, exampled by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is a FREEING force in the lives of our people. And that through hard work and striving we have a new mosque. Congratulations to all the members of Muhammad Mosque # 97.

WOW, what a night and we all know that there is more in store for us when we arrive at the convention.

Stay tuned.....

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